Cook: Menu for July 9-15, 2012



This week I am reposting an earlier weekly menu posting as some of you may have missed these family friendly recipes! Bon appetit!! 


Monday: Mini Tomato Chevre Tarts


Tuesday: Simple Rosemary Rubbed Pork Chops (MA: mashed potatoes & steamed green beans)


Wednesday: Grandma Sugar’s Shell Macaroni and Cheese (MA: garden salad)


Thursday: Honey Drizzled Chicken Skewers (MA: steamed white or brown rice with fresh veggies)


Friday: Shrimp Enchiladas


Saturday: Pasta with Steak and Roasted Tomato Cream Sauce


Sunday: Parmesan Chicken (MA: Carb&Veg of your choosing)



MA=Meal Additions 


Give: KLUTCHclub


I love receiving gifts in the mail and discovering new products! Who wouldn’t, right? With KlutchClub‘s monthly box o’ surprises you get just that…a box filled with little “presents” of new products for you to discover and fall in love with.
Here is a sample of what the lucky gals received this month.


Right now through Rue La La, you can receive 2 months for the price of 1!! If you are not a member of Rue La La, follow this special link to join for free!

Oh and one more thing…did I mention that they have these fun boxes for guys, too?!?  Talk about an easy, no brainer gift for that special guy in your life!!