Rave: THE VAST LANDSCAPE – by Jacqueline Cioffa (Free on Amazon 4/16- 4/18 ONLY!)

One of my FAVORITE books by one of my favorite gals is FREE until April 18, 2015 only on Amazon in Kindle format! THE VAST LANDSCAPE by Jacqueline Cioffa is a book that every gal needs to read especially if you’re lucky enough to have a super close girlfriend or two that you consider sisters.

“Not your typical book about love, loyalty, friendship and sisterhood. This is a sisterhood amongst girlfriends that are there for each other through the good times and the bad. The girlfriends we all have and cherish…or wish we had. A book about growing up and figuring out who you really are and what you really want out of life. The struggles on the path to happiness.The Vast Landscape is a relatable book with a heroine that you can’t help but love and root for (and wish was in your circle of friends). Harrison is the real deal…fiercely loyal, compassionate, loving and fun…not to mention sarcastic and funny! I adore women like Harry! Jackie Cioffa’s voice comes through the pages making you want more…”

And when you’re done with The Vast Landscape take the next step to Georgia Pine! The emotionally charged page turner sequel….a MUST read!

Rave/Ponder/Well-Being: 21 Day Meditation Experience with Oprah & Deepak

The Oprah & Deepak Meditation Experience starts today! This fun and free opportunity occurs once or twice a year. You are led through a mantra based meditation with a different meaningful intention each day based on the experience’s theme. There is a sign up, but an email will be sent to you each day with a link to the day’s meditation. Once logged in, you can gain access to not only the meditation but a message of the day and an online journal to capture any thoughts. And don’t forget about the Six Simple Steps to Meditation that I shared with a few weeks ago to get started! Namaste.

Rave: The All New VerumVita


Hi, folks. Loads of changes have taken place at VerumVita and in my life as well. Let’s start with VerumVita.  As you can see there is a new look and a new focus. With all the changes that have taken place in my life over the past few months (which I will go into more in a future post), I had an epiphany of sorts and came to the conclusion that a more mindful, healthful approach to everyday living was desired and needed for myself and my family. In sharing some of the changes we made with others, I realized that this was information would be useful not only to my close friends and family but anyone who has a similar mindset or desire for a more healthy, doable approach to living a whole “true” life. (So glad the blog name still works with the new focus…verum=true, vita=life.) Stay tuned!

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